Monday, September 3, 2012

Organizational strategies for the absent-minded?

What organizational strategies might work for someone who is absent-minded and gets overwhelmed with too much to keep track of?

The consensus on AskMe seems to be that no organizational strategy (e.g. GTD, Covey) works for everybody, and that each person needs to find the specific strategy that works for them. This makes sense to me; my difficulties in getting organized are very different from the difficulties my friends have. I have tried a couple of strategies, but haven't found anything that really gives me what I am looking for. Overall, I would say I'm in the 20th percentile of the population in terms of overall organization.

So, I'm wondering if anyone can recommend some sort of method that might be suited to the following type of person. If this sounds like you at all, I would be tremendously interested to hear what has worked for you.

-I hate having to keep track of many different things. I also hate focusing on details, multitasking, and doing clerical work.
-I'm very absent-minded. Without reminders, I will forget things.
-I have a deeply ingrained habit of being late.
-I'm heavily oriented toward electronic organizational strategies.


Wrongly estimating/losing track of time
-I greatly underestimate how long things will take. If a bus comes at 9, I'll start getting ready at 8:55, thinking I can just walk outside and catch it. But then I realize I need to pack my bag first, and then I can't find my wallet, and I miss the bus.
-I'll sit down for ten minutes to listen to some music, and before I realize it, it's been half an hour and I'm now running behind.

Managing my possessions/resources
-I go shopping, and realize I'm out of cash.
-My cell phone runs out of batteries in the middle of the day.
-I get caught up cramming for a math exam, and forget to bring a calculator or watch to the exam.

Bad attention to details/multitasking difficulties
-I hate any kind of clerical, repetitive, or detail-oriented work. I'm very bad at it too.
-Example: I used to work in a restaurant kitchen, but had a terrible time because it was a multitasking nightmare.

Yes, I know that I could come up with individual solutions for each of these problems. Some of you who have an easier time getting organized may be saying to yourselves, "that's so easy to avoid." But in practice it has been very hard for me to come up with a systematic way of preventing these things from happening.

Things I have found useful
-Anything that reduces the number of things I have to tend to/worry about: automatic bill pay , direct deposit, having alarms
-Keeping all my information organized on my laptop (esp. OneNote)
-My PDA, esp. the calendar feature

Based on this information, does anyone have pointers to resources that might be useful?

Try to be gently ruthless with yourself, if that doesn't seem to much of a contradiction. If you blow off something or otherwise don't do what you set yourself out to do that day, mildly punish yourself. Nothing like self-flagellation or anything, just enough to nudge. Like skipping that mocha latte, or session on your favorite website, whatever. Just enough to cut into your comfort zone and teach your habitual parts something about delaying gratification a little.

I guess I'm similar. I just keep lots of to-do lists and do the direct-deposit and bill-pay thing. It's not perfect and I have to accept that I'm going to forget or be late sometimes, and sometimes things will stay on my to-do lists (which are periodically recombined). I use my Treo for some of this sometimes, but pen and paper are more immediate and more than adequate for my organization level.

Also, you're a procrastinator. You're going to have to learn to listen to yourself when you say "THIS time I'm going to be in the shower an hour before I have to leave in the morning." There's not a lot I can offer for that, you're just going to have to have a tighter schedule, and writing this out (a la "40 Year Old Virgin") is perfectly acceptable.

Here are some things you might try:

1. Routines and checklists. These can work well for forgetfulness. For example, an end-of-day checklist could include "plug in cell phone to recharge" and a morning checklist could include removing it from the charger. Checking to see if you have enough money could be an item on a checklist, too.

2. A simple timer - good for avoiding the 10 minutes turning into a half hour. That could be a physical timer or a software one.

3. A "launch pad" - a place where anything you need to take when you leave the house is kept.

4. Someone who can fill in where you are weak. It won't work in all jobs or other situations, but the more you can find someone else to handle the details, the better off you might be. No one is good at everything - you might be able to help someone else out where he or she is weak in return for getting help yourself. Or you may be able to hire someone to take care of certain detail-oriented things.

5. A huge emphasis on looking for simple approaches to things. You've done that already in some cases, such as the auto bill pay and direct deposit. Look for any other opportunities to simplify so there aren't as many details to worry about. For example, if you haven't yet gotten yourself off of junk mail lists, that would probably be a good thing to do.

6. Any of the suggestions for people with ADHD , who mention many of the same concerns that you do. You might look at these these two books: ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life, and Organizing Solutions for People with Attention Deficit Disorder. Neither one is focused on electronic solutions, though. You might google ADHD PDA (or similar combinations) to find articles.

7. The book Never Be Late Again - it might give you ideas on that aspect of your concerns.

I found the best way to combat forgetfulness is to have lots of reminders. It's the same idea as setting up multiple alarm clocks for the morning when you really must get up on time.

I store all my tasks in OmniFocus. Important stuff with a due day goes on my calendar. For stuff I really must not miss, I also use iwantsandy to send me emails.

Another key thing is to put as much stuff as you can into your system. For example, waiting for a new credit card to show up in the mail in a few days? Give yourself a reminder to look for it in a few days. Put stuff in whenever you can think of it. It really helps you pick off those small tasks whenever you have time.

Friday, August 17, 2012

How to treat absent-minded

Do you often find out that you forgot an important appointment? Did you noticed that you are wearing two different colors of sockets? Have you find yourself in a place and you can't remember how you get there?
This phenomena is called absentmindedness

Some small steps could help you to overcome this problem

1. Make an effective use of cues and reminders, such as sticky notes and calender. This is a very effective and small method to remember your tasks during the day, the week, or even the whole month.
2. Keep items that you use daily, such as keys, mobile-phone, wallet, ...etc., in a certain place that never change. this enables you to find them easily.
3. Make your life as simple as possible. Don't be overwhelmed by too many things at once. Make your life step by step. Don't start step two until you finish step one.
4. Always make a schedule for your day or week.
5. You have to get proper rest and nutrition too keep your mind fresh.
6. Exercise, either physical or mental, is a master key to overcome absentmindedness. Always try to challenge your brain with new activities.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Heal Absent Minded Attitude with Meditation 

Absent minded attitude can be regarded as lack of focus. The ability of a person to lose concentration in his or her daily activities is regarded as a defect on his or her attitude. There are numerous effects that flow absent minded attitudes. The career, life and socialization of an individual can be altered be the effects of lack of concentration and focus. The knowledge this effect will help one work on gaining total control over his or her daily challenges. 

The mind is known for its wandering abilities. If a person does not take control of his or her mind, there are possibilities that the mind can stray away. This can continue to an extent where he or she becomes unaware of the happenings around him or her. 

Hilarious effects of an absent mind 

Lack of consistency: 

Due to lack of focus, an individual who is always absent minded is not consistent in his day to day performance. He or she exhibits strength when there is concentration, but fails to meet up to expectation when absent minded. 

Limitation in understand ability: 

The ability of an individual to concentrate is totally limited because absent minded effects. Understanding comes with a great deal of concentration; one cannot concentrate if he or she is not in control of his or her mind. 

Instability in thoughts: 

The thinking ability of one who has a wandering mind is really low. It takes a lot of time for such people to make a comprehensive thought. 

How can meditation help an absent minded person? 

Meditation is a practice of focus and concentration. The practice of meditation teaches concentration and focus of the mind as a factor in achieving a perfect connection. By restoring the concentration of an individual, a person gains control over his or her mind.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Absent Mindedness OR Inattentiveness Tendencies

Inattentiveness or absent mindedness is one of the major behavioral disorders that weaken the overall functioning and absent mindedness is a major symptom of it. This negativity affects many aspects of daily life, including home, school, work, and interpersonal relationships. It is believed that inattentiveness has a very strong heredity basis. Besides biological factors difficulties during pregnancy, prenatal exposure to alcohol and tobacco, premature delivery, significantly low birth weight and postnatal injury to the prefrontal regions of the brain have all been found to contribute to the risk for inattentiveness to varying degrees. Social and environmental factors such as poverty or family chaos, low childhood nurturance, poor child management by parents, surrounding factors including friend circle, education, and culture also contribute to this negativity.

Normally the symptoms of inattentiveness or absent mindedness are often obscured by problems with relationships, organization, mood disorders, substance abuse, employment or other psychological difficulties. To some extent inattentiveness is associated with melancholy (depression), anxiety, substance abuse, failure, problems with relationships, job failure or impulse control.

Following negativities are often found associated with the inattentiveness or absent mindedness.
Absent mindedness
After effects of shock
Apprehensions, e.g. communication apprehension
Bitter and resentful with surrounding situations
Chronic lateness and poor time perception
Complete exhaustion of body and mind
Conflicting mind
Dawdling tendencies
Difficulties with regulation of emotions, motivation and arousal
Difficulty getting started on tasks
Difficulty completing tasks
Dissatisfaction with factors around
Easily bored
Employment difficulties
Excessive diverting moods
Excessive forgetfulness
Excessive impulsivity; saying or doing things without thinking
Extreme mental torture
Extreme self-discipline
Frequently losing things
Greater than normal variability in task or work performance
Indecisiveness and uncertainty of mind
Lack of concentration, instable mind
Lack of faith
Lack of observation
Lack of self-confidence
Lack of will power
Low self-esteem
Mental weariness
Mind occupied with thoughts of past life
Mood swings
Persistent unwanted thoughts
Pessimism towards life activities
Physical restlessness or impatience
Poor organization, planning, and time management skills
Poor persistence of efforts toward tasks
Poor time management
Poor working memory
Problems with self-control and regulating behavior
Relationship problems
Risk-taking behaviors
Substance abuse
Sudden depression
Swinging moods
Tendency towards avoiding responsibility
Terror or extreme fear
Common symptoms of absent mindedness or Inattentiveness:
Fail to give close attention to details or make careless mistakes at work
Fidget with hands or feet or squirm in seat
Have difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or fun activities
Don't listen when spoken to directly
Feel restless
Don't follow through on instructions and fail to finish work
Have difficulty engaging in leisure activities quietly
Have difficulty organizing tasks and activities
Avoid, dislike, or are reluctant to engage in work that requires sustained mental effort
Talk excessively
Lose things necessary for tasks and activities
Blurt out answers before questions have been completed
Easily distracted
Have difficulty awaiting turn (impatient)
Forgetful in daily duties
Interrupt or intrude on others
Inattentiveness or absent mindedness affects in one or more areas of living. Some of the most common problems include:
Inconsistent performance in jobs or careers; losing or quitting jobs frequently
A history of academic and/or career underachievement
Poor ability to manage day-to-day responsibilities (e.g. completing household chores or maintenance tasks, paying bills, organizing things)
Relationship problems due to not completing tasks, forgetting important things, or getting upset easily over minor things
Chronic stress and worry due to failure to accomplish goals and meet responsibilities
Chronic and intense feelings of frustration, guilt, or blame

Absent Mindedness OR Inattentiveness Tendencies and Negative emotions co-relation.

Often the causes of "Absent mindedness, Inattentiveness Tendencies" are more mental than physical. A bad relationship, poor self image, a history of abuse, stress, frustration and many other factors can change your overall attitude towards life which may directly impede your overall performance. Such tendencies are deep-rooted in mind and nurtured by excessive Negative Emotions.

It is needless to mention that these negative emotions are tremendously powerful. They can debilitate lives extremely quick by causing disparity in energy system, which triggers a sequence of emotional imbalance (i.e. frustration, melancholia, persistent agony, mental instability, uncontrolled anger, inferiority complex etc.), which ultimately culminates in ill health.

Lessen "Negative Emotions" in psyche. (i.e. frustration, uncontrolled anger, bitterness, excessive shame, guilt, arrogance, envy, jealousy, greed, fear, suspicious nature, inferiority complex, persistent agony or melancholy, mental instability, escapism or shilly-shallying tendencies, communication apprehension, poor will power, low grasping, absentmindedness, sloth, laziness, dawdling, dodging etc.) boost latent inner ability Mold the inherent behavior in accordance with the existing circumstances and surrounding conditions get rid of worries, tensions and sufferings achieve peace of mind and bring the Ultimate Happiness!

"Balancing Emotions" will purge Negative Emotions in psyche and shape your innate behavior in a way to face every life challenge by avoiding pessimistic approach towards life; whilst you will be able to derive maximum life pleasure from whatever resources are available with you!

For correcting "emotional imbalance" we offer personalized consultation. Through this online consultation, we thoroughly analyze your overall nature, your general attitude towards life with the help of our specially-designed simple online survey and then recommend a proprietary plan of Bach flower essences -a course of natural homeopathic remedies- customized to your unique health needs. This prescription-like essence plan consists of a list of selective Bach remedies (-available worldwide) along with their efficacious combinations, especially tailored to your unique personality. We send you this simple course via email. This consultation program is specially developed and designed for Internet users! It contains a list of personalized essences, recommended efficacious combinations, dosage schedule and some simple norms along with basic instructions, suggestions, guidelines and expertise; means everything that you need to know to get started, run and maintain the essence program. This novel concept is highly acclaimed by our worldwide clients.

This revolutionary essence program is based on the principles of Bach Flower Therapy, discovered by Dr. Edward Bach between 1930-1936. The Bach Flower therapy (pronounced as 'Batch' ) is an innovative healing modality, which is considered to be an offshoot of Homeopathy. It is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any illness or disease as on the lines of modern medical science, rather it offers a simple system of eliminating behavioral negativities by taking into account your overall nature, personality traits and attitude towards life -irrespective of your disease or ill-health condition.

Reigning behavioral negativities --like frustration, guilty feeling or jealousy-- which accumulate at the core of our psyche over a duration of time --as in the form of "negative emotions"-- and incessantly make us "emotionally imbalanced", are considered to be the root cause of all our sufferings.

According to Bach Flower Therapy, often any ailment or ill-health condition --at most of the time and in majority of the cases-- is the result or expression of persistent "emotional imbalance" that takes place at the core of your psyche and persists over a period of time due to gradual accumulation of numerous
Negative Emotions, those originates either from your mind itself or from your surrounding circumstances. As soon as your mental state improves the physical trouble disappears. Therefore a person --which implies his overall nature, his general attitude towards life and his inimitable surrounding circumstances-- is more important than his disease or ill-health condition. -learn more about Bach Flower Therapy

As every behavior is as unique as DNA, obviously every essence plan that we advice is unique and exclusive, created especially for your unique personality, based on that exclusive information, which we collect from you by taking a simple online survey. Compare our service with our competitors.

Due to worldwide availability of the Bach Flower essences, the suggested selective essences can be purchased at any place from any homeo-pharmacy or health food store. Bach Flower essences that we recommend are not 'prescription drugs'. Anyone can purchase them freely without having a prescription for it. Bach remedies are colorless, tasteless and odorless in nature.
Why Should I purchase the essences separately?

Under our professional guidance, you can easily make your doses even without having a knowledge of Bach Flower Therapy and essences. Simply prepare the doses as advised, take them regularly and forget all your worries, tensions and sufferings! Personalized essence combinations tailored to your health needs will tune to your psyche and act delicately on your innate nature, mold your innate nature gradually, and synchronize your self-energy in a manner to dominate the life situations.

Within four weeks you can see improvements. Personalized formulations of natural Bach remedies can significantly improve your will-power, power or resistance, endurance limits, courage, faith and hope. They act gently on your mind tapping your natural ability to release negative emotions and restore well being that was previously within you! Over the time, you will find that all areas of your life have been radically improved.

Bach Flower Therapy does not demand any special diet or regimen and never creates dependent relationship on it. It has No known side effects since its invention. Moreover, it is compatible with all lifestyles, treatment modalities and diet plans. Children to older adults, anyone can employ it, without having to learn Bach Flower Therapy... It works with anyone, anywhere, and even in today's challenging times.

This simple, effective and reliable system of eliminating common behavioral negativities -like fear, shame, guilt, arrogance, envy, jealousy, greed, phobia and many others like that- is considered to be one of the easiest and most powerful tools of self-improvement, which also nurtures innate nature of a person by eliminating 'negative attitude and pessimistic thinking' from the core of psyche.

Backed by the powerful concept of Bach Flower Therapy, our Online Consultation is trusted worldwide for its simplicity, efficiency, and noticeable results. The results will often seem pretty miraculous and far beyond than you could ever achieve with any other tool or training available today for eliminating behavioral negativities from the core of psyche.

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